Monday, February 28, 2011

Why Me?

So many times in my 48 years, I have felt the need to ask "Why Me?"  When most people ask this question, it is usually related to unfortunate circumstances; for me it is the opposite.  Several years ago, as I was lying awake in bed counting my blessings instead of sheep, the question arose in a very specific way; Why Me?  Why was I chosen to live this extraordinary life?  Why, among all the people of the world, was I born into a stable family with two loving parents?  Why was I given the opportunity for a healthy childhood?  Why was I allowed to be raised in America, where my education was freely available?  The list goes on and on.

Each day when I rise, I face another day that I don't have to shake the dust from my only set of clothes, beg for my daily bread, search for clean water, or labor for long hours for little to no wages.  I don't have to wonder if my children are safe, or if my husband will return sober or drunk.  I don't need to hide my faith, pray in secret or wonder if today is the day someone bring help to my Christ-less existence.

That night so long ago, when I was asking God "Why Me?" I received a very clear, nearly audible response.  It was quite possibly the clearest message I have ever heard from God.  He told me, "With great privilege comes great responsibility."  That was it...nothing more.  You see, it isn't because I am more loved by God that I have been placed in this position; it is because of His great love for a lost world.  I need to remind myself of that truth daily.

I am blessed, not so I can enjoy the fruits of God's blessings, but so that I may be a channel to provide blessing for others.  I have been given the resources to be a blessing to others; not just in physical needs, but in so many other ways...edification, encouragement, prayer....

Today as I travel this privileged path, it is my prayer that none of God's blessings TO me with stop WITH me. If I can't pass it on, what good will it be to me?


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