Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Gramma Magic!

I am pretty certain that being a grandmother is the best job I have ever had.  Currently, with a cup of coffee on the night stand, and Ishapuppy at the foot of the bed, I am sitting in my jammies listening to the soft breathing of our six-month old granddaughter sleeping next to me. (Hey..she was fussy...her parents were asleep...she needed me!)

I don't remember when I first became aware of the Gramma Magic.  I am not even sure when I acquired it. I am pretty sure it was a gradual process for me; starting long before the title was ever bestowed upon me of "Gramma".

I know my mother has it; I watched her last night reading to our beautiful baby (no one reads a storybook quite like my mom).  Actually I discovered that the "Great Gramma Magic" is something extra special (maybe it is like the black belt of the Magic levels). The way Emma lights up with her is awesome to see...and the joy is mutual.

I know my grandmothers both had it, though it was bestowed upon them differently.  My maternal grandmother's magic lay in her warm farmhouse, her hands of love that crafted keepsakes for the ones she loved and baked the world's best molasses cookies.  My paternal grandmother's magic was bound in the patience of teaching crochet stitches, jars of M&M's and endless games of Yahtzee.

The Gramma Magic sooths a crying baby faster than anything. distracts a temper tantrum with ease, and kisses an owie for instant pain relief.  It can make cheese and crackers or M & M's seem like a feast; a tea party with apple juice seem like high tea with the queen of England.  The Gramma Magic is, I am beginning to think, kind of like being a genie.

I wonder if God bestowed this power on grandmothers to reward us for the trials of parenthood; or perhaps he wanted to show us just how, no matter how much we love our children, we still have a limitless amount to share; over and above; running over.  Rather like His love for us!

Someday, perhaps very soon, I will share about the Grandpa Magic.  It, too is something special.  But for now, I will refill my coffee cup, plan my day, and wait for Emma to awake....let the Magic begin!

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