Wednesday, February 16, 2011

# 2 - What does "Time for God" Mean?

I have been chewing on this question for several days now: What does it mean to Tithe 144 minutes to God each day?  What does it look like?  How is it done?  What “qualifies” as time spent for God?

In my search for the answer, I sent a quick note to a few godly people I know (don’t feel bad if you didn’t get a note, I used the condensed short-list).  After reading their responses and praying (and an hour long nap…remember the mono?) I think I have my answer:

There is no definitive answer!  

Is that a cop-out?  No, I don’t think so.  What I have determined is that the answer is different for each person.  Certainly prayer, Bible study and communion with God are essential parts of our daily walk with God.  But as far as taking time to serve Him each day, this can take so many forms that I could not possibly list them.  

I was reminded by these wise men and women that we do not “benefit” God by our actions, for he is God and we cannot improve His standing.  In fact, when we tithe, we are not “giving” God anything; He already owns all.  What we are doing through our tithe of time is returning a portion of the time we are given to strengthen our walk with him and draw others to Him.

This means that each of us, through our gifts and talents, must decide how we use our time, and what sacrifices we can make to return that portion to God.  For some it may mean stepping out of our comfort zone to enter a new area of worship.  It may mean stepping back and encouraging others to grow rather than taking the lead.  It might mean mentoring a child in need, or writing letters to lonely people.  Or, as in my case, it may mean (at this time at least) focusing completely on studying, praying and quietly listening for God’s voice (for those of you who know me, you can see where the “quietly listening” part is an effort).

Perhaps for many of us, the solution is not a physical change of our actions, but rather a mental and spiritual change in our attitudes.  Many years ago, my husband and I worked in a small mission center in Eastern Kentucky that housed a private school.  One year the plumbing in the kindergarten room failed, and we were forced to provide a portable toilet system for that portion of the school building.  (OK…think about this one for a moment….portable toilet…kindergarteners…mostly boys…get the picture?) 

The responsibility for emptying and cleaning this “solution” fell upon my husband.  At first he was disgusted and less than enthusiastic.  God, however, in his wisdom reminded my husband that everything we do, we do for Him.  While I cannot say that the grossness of the task was reduced, the attitude adjustment was complete.  What we do for the Lord should be done joyfully after all…even cleaning a toilet.

So, as I sit quietly and wait upon the Lord, what will you be doing?  Remember whatever you do in the name of Christ is done for Christ.
And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.
Matthew 25:40

1 comment:

  1. This is being read as I watch so many people walk by inthe Seattle airport. In such a hectic place your words were a peaceful bliss upon my ears. Keep blogging.
