Friday, April 29, 2011

And We Know that All Things Work Together.....

Sometimes it takes a lot of effort for God to get our attention.  We grow so busy "doing His will" that we can't hear His voice.  Then He allows (I believe) a road block to come our way (at times) and we find ourselves slowed.  You never know when a "problem" may turn out to be one of His blessings!

When I began this blog back in January, I did it because my husband suggested I find some constructive way to spend my Mono-confinement.  I am not a "sit around the house" person by nature...or perhaps I am and I just was terribly out of practice.  I was, I must confess, a little angry with the Powers That Be for allowing me to get ill at such a pivetol juncture in my life.  I was nearing the end of a four year push to finish my education degree, my sister's four year battle with pancreatic cancer was taking its toll on her, my inlaw's health was failing...there was so much to do, and I could not do anything but lie around the house.  I was told it was a serious case of mono and I needed to stop I dropped all my classes for the semester and pouted!  GRRRR.....

I now look back at that bump in the road as a tremendous blessing.  I could have never known that my freedom this semester would be required.  Had I continued with my classes, I would have missed spending the final months of my sister's life with her.  Because I dropped those classes and lightened my schedule, I was free to lie in the bed next to hers and talk; sit in PT with her and keep her company; nap in the bed beside her and just "be there".  No pressure...just "being".

I will always treasure those times we had together during her last weeks on earth.  We never talked over weighty issues and rarely discussed death.  We just enjoyed each others' presence in our comfortable sisterly way. 

So...Thanks, God, for mono...and for giving those special times to me to sustain me through the lonely times.
I will never regret the time You gave me!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Heaven's Perpetual Spring

Recent events have once again turned my attention to Heaven and eternity.  This is not melancholy, or morose, but rather a fascination with the unknown.  Some would venture to say that to attempt anticipation of what the next life would be is foolishness.  Our limited minds cannot possibly comprehend all that God has in store for us.  Still, there are some things that seem logical to me, and until I am proved wrong, I will hold on them with great hope.

I believe that Heaven, for example, is in the state of Perpetual Spring.  Spring to me is the time of renewal and rebirth.  Plants long dormant in the cold of winter (at least in our region) begin to awaken.  The crocus is usually the first to venture forth; pushing leaf and bud up; often from beneath the last remnants of snow.  Trees rouse from their winter's nap almost imperceptibly at first; tiny buds emerge in muted shades of reds and greens.  Suddenly, without realizing it is happening, we are surrounded by the beauty of fresh pale green leaves and flowering trees.  Each day of spring brings new surprises; rebirth, regeneration, new life.

Heaven is surely like the spring.  It is in a state (I choose to believe) of constant renewal, fresh hope, and the realization of great promises.  I imagine that in Heaven nothing grows stale or old, but rather is reborn each moment with vitality and youthfulness.  Though the limited human mind cannot fathom it now, we can look forward to the idea with great joy and anticipation. 

Are you prepared to experience Heaven's Perpetual Spring?  Praise God for the Pathway through His Son!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

And a Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven...

I am currently reading Ecclesiastes.  My sister loved that book of the Old Testament, and found many parallels in her own life.  As I often have difficulty deciding where to read during my 144 minutes, I decided that this week it would be appropriate to choose this book again. 

"To everything there is a season
and a time for every purpose under heaven...."

(how many of you included "Turn, turn, turn" after reading that?  You are showing your age!)  :)

Often when we think of the third chapter of Ecclesiastes we think of that famous section that The Byrds made so popular in the 60's. But there is so much more there.

12 I know that nothing is better for them than to rejoice, and to do good in their lives, 13 and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor—it is the gift of God.
       14 I know that whatever God does,
      It shall be forever.
      Nothing can be added to it,
      And nothing taken from it.
      God does it, that men should fear before Him."
It is actually a reminder to us that, though our actions on this earth, when done in our own name, are temporary and will fade away, those things done for God on this earth will endure for eternity. 

What a comforting thought! 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Metamorphosis: A Tribute to Cindy Danks

This tribute to my sister includes photographs she took last summer of the monarch butterfly metamorphosis in her butterfly garden.  Cindy has now shed her cocoon and is flying free with Jesus!


I am exhausted...both emotionally and physically today.  I have no more creative juices to write cute titles or craft this blog in some unique fashion.  You see, we celebrated yesterday the life of my sister Cindy.  This past week has been grueling; long hospital vigils, emotional last words, funeral preparations, reunions with family and friends from far away...laughter, tears, hugs and kisses.  It has been a full week since I traveled the distance to the University Hospital to be with seems like yesterday...and it seems like months ago.  Time has a strange way of defying our order of passes quick and slow at the same time.

My sister was an amazing woman of God.  She was my friend, my mentor, my adviser, my playmate, my sister, both in genetics and in Christ.  I will miss our Tuesday afternoon luncheon dates; picnics at the lake or in the park, eating Chinese food at our favorite dive, sipping tea under her gazebo, playing Yahtzee and eating jellybeans.  I will miss her quick whit, her blunt honesty, and hearing "Hi, Sister" when I answer the phone.

Sisters cannot be replaced.  The relationship between them cannot be duplicated and I would never try.  I am left, for a season to dwell on the blessings past, and look forward to a heavenly reunion and an eternity of sipping heavenly tea under the canopy of God's love.

Goodbye, sweet Sister!  Thank you for your love; I hope I returned it as fully as it was given.