Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mother of the Bride

This weekend I had a rare privilege - I stood five feet from my daughter as she exchanged vows and became a wife (officially).  The wedding was lovely, albeit surreal in several ways.  The journey to this moment has been fraught with pitfalls, tears, joy, frustrations, and tremendous blessings.  We knew it would happen eventually, but the timing was not up to us - it is always, regardless of the players, God's timing that matters.

When I held my daughter for the first time more than 22 years ago, I must confess the path that she is on was not the one I anticipated.  God, you see, has a much bigger vision that we.  Who would imagine that a child raised in a mission in Eastern Kentucky would find her comfort zone in the middle of Chicago?  I pictured her raising animals on her own little farm.  Instead she is raising a daughter in the middle of one of the nation's biggest cities - and doing it well.

Standing amidst the trees and fountains of the Art Institute of Chicago's Gardens, I watched the eyes of my son-in-law to be as he quoted those sacred vows of commitment.  A peace washed over my soul, and tears welled up - tears of gratitude for God's faithfulness.   I now have a son as well as a daughter; one whose love reflects the love of Christ, though he has yet to release his life to God.

Many of our friends- brothers and sisters in Christ - will question the wisdom of "allowing" our daughter to be "unequally yoked" spiritually.  That, however, is not an issue for us - Meng has already shown his great character and his openness to Samantha's faith.  God's timing, again, is perfect.  All we need to do is trust and pray.

Now they begin a new life together.  Not much has changed from a week ago - Meng will continue his last year of medical school.  Samantha will complete her final semester for her undergrad degree.  They will continue to raise Emma as a team and build on their relationship.  But now, bonded by the laws of both God and man, they are one flesh.  What God has brought together, let no man put asunder!

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