Thursday, April 14, 2011

Heaven's Perpetual Spring

Recent events have once again turned my attention to Heaven and eternity.  This is not melancholy, or morose, but rather a fascination with the unknown.  Some would venture to say that to attempt anticipation of what the next life would be is foolishness.  Our limited minds cannot possibly comprehend all that God has in store for us.  Still, there are some things that seem logical to me, and until I am proved wrong, I will hold on them with great hope.

I believe that Heaven, for example, is in the state of Perpetual Spring.  Spring to me is the time of renewal and rebirth.  Plants long dormant in the cold of winter (at least in our region) begin to awaken.  The crocus is usually the first to venture forth; pushing leaf and bud up; often from beneath the last remnants of snow.  Trees rouse from their winter's nap almost imperceptibly at first; tiny buds emerge in muted shades of reds and greens.  Suddenly, without realizing it is happening, we are surrounded by the beauty of fresh pale green leaves and flowering trees.  Each day of spring brings new surprises; rebirth, regeneration, new life.

Heaven is surely like the spring.  It is in a state (I choose to believe) of constant renewal, fresh hope, and the realization of great promises.  I imagine that in Heaven nothing grows stale or old, but rather is reborn each moment with vitality and youthfulness.  Though the limited human mind cannot fathom it now, we can look forward to the idea with great joy and anticipation. 

Are you prepared to experience Heaven's Perpetual Spring?  Praise God for the Pathway through His Son!

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