Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Still Listening....

I am quite certain I am not alone in the fact that for me talking to God is much easier than listening to God.  I intend to listen and I  try to listen, but often it is hard to distinguish the thoughts inside my head with the voice of God.  When I read scripture, connections and applications come to mind, but I always wonder, "is this my mind roving around, or is it God's voice speaking to me?"  It is an ongoing problem for me.

It is probably no surprise to anyone who knows me that my mind is going in multiple directions at once.  If, as Mark Gungor implies, a woman's brain is a "woman's brain is a big ball of wire...with everything connected to everything," then we have identified the problem.  I am thinking, sorting, conversing and planning in my head all the time.  So, in that chaotic mess, how do I hear God's voice when He is talking to me?

What I would prefer to do at this point in my writing is quote some sage purveyor of wisdom or quote scripture to answer the question posed, but not this time.  I am convinced that the answer is as diverse at the souls who petition God daily.  There is no magic formula for answers to prayer...and sometimes, the answer never seems apparent, though it may have been given.  And sometimes, the answer is "no"...a concept hard for us to understand.

I have quite the laundry list of prayer requests right now.  Some are being answered daily in visible and tangible ways.  Some, for lack of a better explanation, are in progress, though unseen by human perception.  Still others, I am certain, have been answered and I just don't realize it I keep asking.  And as I ask, I keep listening...keep sorting...keeping waiting for the neon sign to flash in front of me (God doesn't deal in the flashy as a general rule, but it doesn't hurt to ask). 

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